Got Balance?

iGotBalance™ is the first M.A.S.T. game to challenge a users ability to improve their movement patterns through interactive games of stability and balance.

It is the first app to use the Ustabilize® algorithmn of

Muscular Acquity Stabilty Training - M.A.S.T.


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Did U ever balance a book on your head or stand on one leg?  From a movement perspective you were able to keep your Center of Mass (CoM) over your Base of Support (BoS).  Therefore you were stable.

"Be the Ball Danny" - Chevy Chase Caddyshack

U may not realize it but stability is essential to all movements you complete EVERY DAY! The day you were born you began a losing battle against gravity. Don't worry we're here to help.

About Us

"I am a Yoga instructor and I believe stability is essential to all our movements.  I'm proud to say 'I Got Balance' and I don't intend to lose it"

-Barbara D

Copyright 2014 Ustabilize®

Reaction Time

Have U ever watched a pro athlete and U were amazed by how quickly they were able to move, recover or react.  The timing of the body to sense changes and tell the brain to make a change affects performance.  

"What are you waiting for? You're faster than this. Don't think you are, know you are."- Morpheus The Matrix

Muscular Acquity Stability Training - M.A.S.T.

What is it about?

It's not about shooting the basketball, its about getting it in the hoop.

It's not about hitting the golf ball, its about hitting it straight. 

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The iGotBalance App

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